Attracting the Right Humans for Your Culture


Summer of Tech's Guide to Getting the Right Humans for Your Culture

1. Start with the Job Description

How you write and present your job description to students will affect who is likely to apply for the internship, so that's where it all begins. Ensure your advert is written in an engaging way that reflects your company's culture and values. For example, referring to the reader as “you” rather than “successful candidate” will make your job advert feel more personal. It goes without saying, but avoid gendered language and other biases within the ad, so it speaks to every reader.

2. Matching Your Offer with the Student's Skillsets: Must-have vs Nice-to-have Skills

Remind potential interns of what your organisation can offer them specifically, and include challenges they may come across during the summer. This will inform applicants of how the role will add value to their professional development, and likely attract students who's personal goals are aligned with the internship you are offering. Another great tip is to clearly outline the must-have skills and the nice-to-have skills. This will indicate to students what level of expertise you're looking for, ensuring your shortlist is fitting to the internship. This distinction will show applicants that whilst they don't have every skill within the job advert, they will still have enough of the core skills to apply. Getting the balance between must-have and nice-to-have skills is crucial to ensure students aren't scared off, and are confident enough to apply.

3. What support is available in your organisation for interns?

Lastly, include details of the type of mentorship and support interns can expect. All Summer of Tech's internships require a mentor, who should be a part of the same team/area the intern will be working within. Applicants need to know how they will be supported and what kind of professional environment they can expect. Including your location is also recommended, as students will need to factor transport into their decision. Most of all, have fun with it! Writing a job advert for a future intern is exciting, and attracting the right humans at the application process will ensure a smoother filter further down the line.

We hope this has been a helpful guide for ensuring how you're marketing your roles is aligned with attracting the right humans for your culture.


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