The perfect balance of learning and support!

In 2019, MYOB NZ took on not one, not two, but five Summer of Tech interns! We think that kickstarting five careers in one summer is preeetty awesome, so we're sharing their stories to show you just how cool working at MYOB really is. Last month, we featured Ryan Bircham's intern experience at MYOB - you can read that here - and this month, we're bringing you Mario's story!

The perfect balance

University of Auckland student Mario Sinovcic was offered a software developer internship at MYOB at the end of 2019, after participating in the Summer of Tech programme. Although he had done internships before at other companies, Mario said that his experience at MYOB was unique in having a supportive work environment that still allowed the interns to maximise their learning.

 "Personally, previous internships I have experienced have found this balancing act hard and as a result have tended to lean towards making tasks too easy."

Sometimes during internships, students can feel like they've been thrown in the deep end with a whole bunch of new skills to learn, so it's important that companies take the time to create a nurturing and supportive environment.

Awesome mentors

Mentors are a key part of any internship programme, as interns look to them for guidance and support. Mario credits his mentors at MYOB for helping him make the most of his experience.

"I was supported by a platform of experienced development leads, mentors and proteges who were always willing to give a helping hand."

Industry relevancy

In his internship, Mario was working on real-world projects for MYOB. This allowed him to work on solving issues that were 'representative of common problems and tasks in the industry.'  One of the key benefits of summer internships is learning the ins and outs of the industry, and putting the theory you've learned in your qualifications into practice. Mario said of his internship, 'it was insightful as well as being directly applicable to my future in software development.'

In summary?

"Overall, I could not have asked for a better internship experience."

For more student stories and other helpful resources, visit our student resources page.Wanna know more about working at MYOB? Read about their graduate programme here.


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