Student Story - Sriram Jayaraman

Student Stories Sriram Jayaraman - 2021 Alumni ZX Security Internship. Photo of Sriram with blue bubble graphics

We met with Sriram Jayaraman, who was keen to share his 2021 summer internship experience. Sriram studied at the University of Waikato, where he received a Master in Cyber Security. He told us why he chose ZX Security and what he learned during the 2021 programme. 

Why did you choose ZX Security?

To explore whether the role was right for me. Before, when people said companies needed a good culture, I didn’t know what that meant. Everyone is so welcoming at ZX, and I can ask as many questions as I like. There’s no real pressure to do things you don’t like. 

What has been the highlight of the internship so far?

The project I’m working on is my first project at ZX. I’ve been learning the things that I’ll be needing on the job. Having that sort of knowledge has been the highlight of my internship so far.

What have you learned from your mentor?

The way my mentor explains things is so granular - he knows my skill set and what I know. He makes sure that I can understand it even if he’s describing something  technical. I regularly catch up with my mentor, regarding work or otherwise.

How did Summer of Tech help with the internship process?

I came to NZ in 2020 and heard about Summer of Tech. Summer of Tech has been a great platform to upskill; the bootcamps have helped me become more confident and speak up. Online bootcamps and events were a blessing in disguise for me, considering I was studying out of Hamilton. Summer of Tech has taken steps to provide online experiences throughout our journey through COVID.   

What’s one piece of advice you’d give a student starting the Summer of Tech programme in 2022? 

I would suggest someone starting Summer of Tech to attend as many Bootcamp programmes as they can. CV sessions were my favourite, as they helped me be more confident about my skills in general.  

What’s next for you?

I’ve since finished my education, and I really love Wellington. I enjoy the role I’m currently in, so it’s given me a lot of clarity into what I want to do in the future.


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