SoT2021 Report
Here’s an overview of our 2021 results:
A grand total of 476 placements across Aotearoa, including 419 summer internships. We saw a significant increase in SoTJobs (graduate, part time and contract roles throughout the year), growing from 9 in 2020 to 57 in 2021:
2019-2021 Placements
We had a small decrease in candidate numbers in 2021 vs 2020, with 3975 students and graduates registered resulting in 2069 completed profiles (compared to 3,664 and 2,243 in 2020). The quality was high! We had PLENTY of talented candidates:
2019-2021 Registered Students & Completed Profiles
We ran 99 free workshops or “bootcamps” for registered candidates, with huge thanks to our volunteers for giving time and expertise! Half of our 2021 bootcamps were in-person, half online. There were 1,630 unique attendees, with candidates attending an average of 6 events.
2021 Bootcamp Types
We scheduled 1,900 speed interviews this year (an increase compared to previous years), and employers averaged 10.6 online speed interviews per role.
2019-2021 Speed Interviews
People were hired from 28 different tertiary institutions throughout Aotearoa, from NorthTec to SIT and everywhere in between. Victoria University and the University of Auckland continue to be the source of the highest number of placements, at 38.24% and 22.9% respectively:
2021 Placements by Institution
The largest proportion (39%) of placements were in their 3rd year of study, but nearly 30% were in their 1st or 2nd year, once again showing that there are many opportunities for students early in their study or undertaking shorter qualifications:
2021 Placements by Year of Study
2021 Placements by Gender
2021 Placements by Visa Status
We saw a significant increase in wages in 2021, with the average for tech interns $25.21/hr and for graduates, $27.18/hr.
More detail on 2021 wages here
SoT2021 Wages, average of $25.21 for interns and $27.18 for grads
We had fewer regional placements in 2021 compared to previous years, but strong growth in Wellington, steady numbers in Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. We welcomed our first ever summer internships in Gisborne! In spite of the challenges of the pandemic, less than 5% of placements in 2021 are remote, the vast majority are in-person (if possible).
Map of New Zealand showing number of 2021 placements by location.
2021 Job Type
Huge thanks to our 2021 sponsors - we are hugely grateful for your support, and couldn’t have achieved these amazing results without you.