Bootcamp Highlights – Auckland SoT Launch & Alumni Panel

Guest post by Randy Slocum, sharing the trade secrets.Summer of Tech is focused on helping students leap into the tech career that they want, and alumni Alex, Max, Nicolas, Maddie, Jay, Mona and Troy came to help start us off! Sharing their successes with Summer of Tech, their short list of tips for this year’s students starts with completely filling out your profile as fast as possible. Next, use the boot camps to develop communication and teamwork skills. Finally, don’t be afraid to participate because of a lack of technical confidence. Employers hire for good personality fits in their company, and with the right attitude and some technical knowledge, you can find the perfect position for you!The Summer of Tech program helps students be placed into the best roles available for them. The company's culture helps define these roles for students, so the presenters recommended to use the boot camps to get to know your future employers.


Bootcamp Highlights - Hacking Your Learning


Bootcamp Highlights - Wellington SoT Launch & Alumni Panel