Support us Donate to support our mission

Support Aotearoa’s next generation of tech talent by becoming a Summer of Tech donor.



Support students and graduates starting their career in Aotearoa’s tech industry.

With your generous financial support, we’ll provide impact scholarships, custom mentor matches, coaching and other support to help remove barriers to participation in digital careers.

Become a donor
and support the future

  • $20 can provide a data boost to allow a student to attend an online job interview

  • $50 could help a student get childcare to cover their time to attend our recruitment events

  • $100 can allow us to run an in-person career focused BootCamp, in-person

  • $200 can support an out-of-town student to travel to our recruitment event

  • $500 can provide a refurbished laptop to a student who doesn’t have one

All donations to Summer of Tech make a difference, your contribution to impact scholarships will support students and graduates overcome barriers to entering the tech workforce. If you are able to make a one off or regular financial donation, we can make more of a profound and lasting impact on Aotearoa’s emerging tech talent.


Join our mission! Donations are allocated to students and graduates who are underrepresented in the tech industry, or who face barriers to participation. Our impact goals are empowerment, equity and inclusion, knowledge sharing, better connections, exposure and support to kick start careers in Aotearoa’s tech industry.


Your support will help students and graduates get equipped, inspired and connected to tech careers. We are a registered charity, so donations over $5 may be eligible for a tax credit.

To save us processing fees, you are also welcome to deposit directly into our bank account 38-9016-0748161-00