Bootcamp Highlights - Cyber Security

Guest blog by Kimberley HaywardAt Mondays event we had Erica and the CERT NZ team join us from CERT NZ to give us some insight into what they do in the realm of cyber security and what we can do to stay protected and fix vulnerabilities. Erica explained that at CERT NZ they cover a large part of the process from threat identification, through incident reporting, all the way to readiness support.She then went on to explain the five key things we as users can do if our system has been attacked:

  1. First, figure out what is going on and identify the problem
  2. Then work out what you can do to stop it from spreading so you can contain it
  3. Work out what caused it and how you can remove it from your system
  4. Figure out how you can get back to normal, which might be reloading files and the likes from a backup
  5. And lastly, identify how the problem got in in the first place and do what you can to fix the vulnerability!

Thinking cyber security could be interesting to explore? Checkout Bug Bounties or, if you’re feeling up to it, try building your own web app or set up a small network and play round with different detection tools. 


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