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Employer Stories John Clegg Employer Stories John Clegg

Remote Working Tips for Early Career Tech Workers: Insights from Phil Calder at GitLab

Remote working has transformed the tech industry from a rare perk to a common reality, especially post-COVID. It offers flexibility but presents challenges for early career and graduate tech workers navigating this new landscape. Phil Calder from GitLab sheds light on effective remote working strategies for people early in their career.

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Employer Stories John Clegg Employer Stories John Clegg

Encouraging and retaining more women in Tech - Lauren Peate

fostering diversity and inclusivity is more than a noble goal—it's a necessity for innovation and growth. Lauren Peate, CEO of Multitudes shares her insights and experiences in attracting and retaining more women in tech. Lauren provides insights on how to attract and keep more women in the industry. She talks about effective hiring strategies, the power of storytelling, and the importance of cultural competency and leadership development.

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Employer Stories John Clegg Employer Stories John Clegg

Encouraging and retaining more women in Tech: Insights from Julie Reddish

The tech industry has long faced a significant gender imbalance. Despite numerous initiatives to address this issue, women continue to be underrepresented in technology roles. Julie Reddish, a passionate advocate for inclusivity, pulls no punches and gets straight to the issues that we must address and she offers tangible insights on how the industry can move forward.

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Employer Stories John Clegg Employer Stories John Clegg

Empowering Change: Fostering more women in Tech

The tech world is on the brink of a cultural shift, aiming to redefine what inclusivity means in the tech industry which has been historically dominated by men. Central to this shift is the question of how to not only attract more women into tech but also ensure they stay, thrive, and ascend into leadership roles. In this Story from the Field, we hear from Natalie Ferguson.

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Employer Stories Alana Gray Employer Stories Alana Gray

Life at Z Energy

Recently, we asked some of the talented team at Z Energy to answer a bunch of frequently asked questions about what it's like to work there. Sound like a team you'd love to join? Yeah, we think so too!

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