Bootcamp Highlights - Sketch 101
Guest post by Sherry Shi
Heaps thanks to Jacob Lapworth, who gave us a hands-on sketch 101 bootcamp last night at Victoria Design School. We had design students from Vic, Massey and Yoobee, ranging from the first year to the last year, to quickly pick up one of the most popular tools in digital design - Sketch App.
During the 1.5 hours' live tutorial, Jacob introduced the general rules and functionality of Sketch through making examples along the way. We had a full room of accessible iMacs with Sketch App set up already, thanks to Victoria Design School. Either on iMac or their own laptops, our attendees followed the well-paced process to get familiar with different functions and settings. Jacob also shared many tips and tricks from time-to-time, which were very helpful and practical. Together with Jacob's personalised assistance when doing the practice, our attendees got on board with Sketch with a good understanding of what Sketch can do and how it can help with designs.

Some attendees have got excited with Sketch and will continue their exploration through the next Sketch bootcamp - Sketch Masterclass at the same venue next Tuesday. Also, Jacob's introduction of the coming Design Day also gained lots of interest from the students.
I hope to see everyone make the most out of their journey with SoT.